Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Number of replies: 14

Hello everyone

I shall be with you over the next three weeks, discussing what happens in the space where research knowledge, community knowledge and policy decisions overlap. The aim is to consolidate and build on what we already know by sharing our ideas, learn from each other and developing new ideas together - in other words, collaborative learning. Our practical experience of collaborative learning this week will be followed by more theoretical explanations of collaborative learning next week or the week after.

This week begins with exploring knowledge brokering. I often find a helpful starting point in a field new to me is the information I find on Wikipedia. For this reason, in the first section I ask you to check out what Wikipedia has to say about knowledge brokering. For the assignment, to pull together what you glean from the reading, videos and discussions in this forum, I ask you to describe knowledge brokering in the style of a Wikipedia page. In each section, I suggest points for reflection that will help you develop your own understanding of knowledge brokering. I hope you will share your reflections in this discussion forum so we all learn more by working collaboratively. I also hope you'll ask questions here, and tell me when the materials are not sufficiently clear or helpful - this course is new so your feedback will be important for making improvements.

Let's begin with introductions. I am Sandy Oliver. This is my formal introduction and this is my personal introduction. I am looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks so please do tell me a bit about yourselves, your work and your interests in this discussion forum

In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hello everyone
I hope you received my earlier message and have found the learning materials for this week. Please do let me know if anything is unclear. And please do tell me a little about yourselves here - where you are, what sort of work you do, and why you chose to take part in this course. Two or three sentences will help me understand who I'm working with for the next few weeks. For me, I'm doing this course because I think preparing the materials and discussing them with you will help me clarify some ideas I've been getting to grips with about how people work together to make collective decisions and follow them through. So please start our conversations with some introductions.
In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Peter Kasadha -
Hi Prof Sandy,

We received your earlier message.
In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Joel Acana -
Hello Prof. Sandy,
Thank you for this introduction. I am looking forward to the next few weeks and everything we shall be learning.
I'm Joel, and I work with the African Centre for Rapid Evidence Synthesis in Kampala - Uganda. I am new in my current position as a Research Associate - Economist.
Taking this course is an opportunity for me to get acquainted with the field of evidence-to-policy. As I gain a deeper understanding of the field, I will be able to guide the stakeholders with whom we associate as an organization—ACRES. The ultimate goal for me is to be able to contribute to the wider body of evidence-to-policy, especially in my country and also on the continent of Africa.
In reply to Joel Acana

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hello Joel

I'm pleased to meet you. You've chosen a good place to work, to fulfil your aspiration of making serious contributions to the field of evidence-to-policy. ACRES has an impressive international reputation. I hope you're enjoying your new role. Thank you for joining this course.
In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Peter Kasadha -
My name is Peter Kasadha, and I am a research associate with ACRES. I aspire to be a leader in the EIDM space and drive change through the use of evidence in policy. I understand that by participating in this course, I will significantly grow my knowledge and expertise in the field, making me competent where I need to be to achieve my goal.

In reply to Peter Kasadha

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hi Peter

I hope we're all going to learn from this course. The more we put in, the more we'll gain. This is an exciting opportunity to learn from each other and hopefully develop some new ideas together.

In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Perez Kirya -
Hi Sandy and everyone,

Thanks for the warm welcome and the clear overview of the course! I'm Perez Kirya and prefer being called Perry. I'm really interested in exploring this intersection of research knowledge, community knowledge, and policy decisions. I am currently in my second year as a research associate at ACRES and I am greatly interested in public policy since it has far-reaching consequences. In my work at ACRES, I've observed how policies around education often fail to consider indigenous knowledge, particularly the valuable role of storytelling in transmitting cultural values and practical skills. This disconnect is particularly evident in the current issue of high dropout rates in primary schools in Uganda, especially when children transition from learning in their local language to English.

I'm eager to learn more about collaborative learning and knowledge brokering as strategies to address these challenges. I believe that by facilitating collaboration between policymakers, researchers, and communities, we can create more inclusive and effective education policies that value and incorporate indigenous knowledge systems.

I'll definitely check out the Wikipedia page on knowledge brokering and start reflecting on the points you've suggested. I'm also looking forward to learning from everyone's perspectives and experiences in the discussions. I'm curious to hear about others' experiences with knowledge brokering in the context of education. What are some successful examples of integrating indigenous knowledge into education policies?

It sounds like this course will be a fantastic opportunity to gain some valuable insights and tools. Thanks again for setting the stage, Sandy!
In reply to Perez Kirya

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hi Perry

Thank you for telling us about your interest in indigenous knowledge. It’s an area where my understanding has been growing with the help of international colleagues, so I’m looking forward to learning from you too. My examples of combining indigenous knowledge with the science I was taught are from health and agriculture. I’ll be interested to hear more from you tomorrow about the problem of education excluding indigenous knowledge and what cultural values and practical skills that are transmitted by storytelling and overlooked by other approaches to education. I’ll also be interested to hear some of the solutions you called for – the successful examples of integrating indigenous knowledge into education policies.

See you tomorrow, Sandy
In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Olive Mbekwani-Kalata -
Hi Sandy and all!

It's great to know you, Sandy. I am excited to learn from your expertise and knowledge!

I am Olive Mbekwani-Kalata from Malawi. I work as a research associate in health systems and policy at the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Research Programme under the Policy Unit. This training is essential for me as it is and has given me insights into key issues within the EIP space that have been and will be very instrumental In my career journey of becoming a Health Systems and Policy Specialist with reach beyond Malawi but also within the region and internationally. The opportunity to learn from peers in various settings has presented a very crucial dimension to my learning experience. I hope that as this training comes to completion, I will have established permanent networks, and gained the necessary knowledge and skill to be more efficient and impactful in my work.
In reply to Olive Mbekwani-Kalata

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hi Olive

Thank you very much for getting in touch before we meet at tomorrow’s live online session. I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in learning from the region and further afield. There’s always a balance to be had between local knowledge and transferrable knowledge from elsewhere. I hope that by having you as part of this course, we’ll be learning from Malawi too, especially from the Policy Unit at Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Research Programme – that’s another excellent centre with an inspiring leader.

Best wishes, Sandy
In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Hussein Juma Athumani -
Hi Prof. Oliver,
My name is Dr. Hussein Juma Athumani. I work at the Ministry of Health, Tanzania as a head of health systems strengthening.
I am glad to meet you here. Looking forward to very interactive and informative sessions ahead.
Evidence Informed Decision Making is crucial to an in-depth understanding of the situations across health systems that is equally crucial to strategic decision making to strengthening resilient and sustainable systems for health. Your deep knowledge and experience in the subject will significantly add a lot in this very important subject.
Thank you very much.

In reply to Hussein Juma Athumani

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hi Dr. Hussein

Thank you so much for joining the course. Your Ministry of Health perspective will be very valuable for our discussions about navigating the interface of policy and research. We learn so much more in a group from a mix of backgrounds. I am looking forward to meeting you online later today.

In reply to Sandy Oliver

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Memory Moque Ngwira -
I am Memory Moque Ngwira, a principal health research officer at Public Health Institute of Malawi. I am excitted to meet you here as well as meet everyone on this forum. I am very new to my role and I chose to take part in this course because our institution is responsible for conducting research as well as translating research into policies at national level. My participation in this course will also have a significant impact on my knowledge and expertise in evidence to policy, thereby building PHIMs capacity where there is need.
In reply to Memory Moque Ngwira

Re: Knowledge brokering - introducing ourselves and the topic

by Sandy Oliver -
Hi Memory
I’m very pleased to have you join this course. As you’re new to your role, you’ll have more to offer our discussions with your understanding a few different organisations from the inside. I shall be particularly interested to hear how you translate research into policies at national level in Malawi.
See you soon