Cultural dynamics and evidence for policy engagements

Re: Cultural dynamics and evidence for policy engagements

by Sandy Oliver -
Number of replies: 0
Hello everyone

I have now uploaded all the learning materials for this week. Still to come are the slides for the Live Session and the assignment. Please let me know if you have any difficulties accessing the materials or any questions about the content.

At our Live Session for week 5, there was a question about how to make use of international data when decision makers prefer local data but the local data isn't up-to-date. I hope the first section for this week will make a start with addressing this. If you'd like something a little more advanced, I recommend the fourth speaker in this video: Tamille Dias explains how she looked to two systematic reviews providing the global evidence about women's employment and drew out the implications for Brazil where studies were in the local language and more descriptive than analytical.

Best wishes, Sandy